The Halal Investing Program

Learn how to start and grow your own Halal investment portfolio.

Registration opens November 1st 2024 
Transforming income into generational wealth.
The program that has empowered Muslim women around the world to grow their wealth without touching interest. 
Why is it so hard to find resources for Halal investing?
Growing up, no one ever spoke to me about investing. In fact, whenever I brought up the idea of investing - I was told to avoid it completely. When I got my first job and HR asked me which portfolio I wanted to choose for my retirement, it was my first time seeing the words "growth," or "income" portfolio.

Investing on its own can be complex.

The additional layer of avoiding interest makes it even more complicated. It's no wonder so many Muslim women feel overwhelmed by the idea of having to manage their personal finances and their investments.

Not knowing where to begin your financial journey can be paralyzing and finding the right sources and advisors is another hurdle. Most banking advisors will tell you it's not possible to invest without touching interest, or that their "ethical" fund is fine.

Having worked in banking myself for almost a decade - I can tell you that the bank is simply not equipped to advise their Muslim clients.

When it comes down to it, most Muslim women feel on their own when it comes to researching options for their investments. And between balancing work and personal responsibilities, financial management can feel like an impossible task. The fear of making mistakes, losing money, or unintentionally engaging in Haram investments can be paralyzing.

It's often only when big life changes happen and we have to take an honest look at our finances that we realize how much our financial decisions are impacting our lives. Inflation, rent, and other living expenses can make achieving financial goals seem impossible - but investing is what will empower you to create options for yourself.

The option of retiring early, or covering the education costs for your kids, of caring for your parents, of purchasing a property or traveling the world.  
Investing doesn't have to be complicated.
When I first started learning about finance, I felt lost when it came to managing money in a way that felt right for me. The path to financial independence seemed confusing and full of obstacles for me as a Muslim woman.

I had no idea where to start.

Things started to change when I realized nobody else was going to come in and manage my money for me. And I knew I did not want to end up living pay check to pay check like my parents. I decided to take control of my own financial future.

I started learning from trusted mentors and reading more about Halal investing. With a lot of trial and error, I began to understand how to grow wealth while ensuring my investments were Halal. I learned how to pay zakat on my stocks and how and when to purify my investments each year.

Finding investments that were both financially sound and ethically aligned became my priority. It wasn’t just about making money; it was about doing it in a way that felt right to me.

Through my own journey, I discovered a passion for helping others facing similar challenges. Many people struggle with financial education, time constraints, and not knowing where to begin. I created this program to educate and empower women like you to take control of your financial future.

In our program, I share what I’ve learned and provide a clear path to financial empowerment. Whether your goal is financial independence, saving for important life events, or simply navigating Halal investing, our program is designed to help you succeed.

Together, we can grow a community of financially empowered Muslim women, who are able to make informed financial decisions that align with their values and aspirations.
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Who we are
Financially ambitious Muslim women.
Being a practicing Muslim woman and being wealthy are not mutually exclusive. 
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Muslim women are more educated than ever. We are earning higher incomes than ever. Now it's time to turn that income into generational wealth.

You have ambitions beyond just saving money – you want to see it grow.
Whether it’s buying a home, funding your children's education, or fulfilling the obligation of Hajj, learn exactly how to invest strategically for life’s milestones.

Investing is a key component of our lives. Workplace retirement funds, the interest that accumulates in savings accounts if you're not careful, and your plan for retirement all involve investing.

It is essential for us as Muslim women to understand these investing terms and to be able to make our financial decisions from a place of empowerment.

This program is not about just the profits. This is a space for you to gain the confidence to make informed financial decisions. Whether you want to ensure your investments are BDS friendly, you want to invest in companies that align with your values or simply choose an investment product that matches your ethics.

The Halal Investing program develops your financial literacy, empowering you to move through the financial landscape with clarity and certainty. You’ll learn to set clear financial goals and take proactive steps towards achieving them.

Yasmeen Khan
With over a decade of dedicated experience in finance, I bring both personal experience and professional expertise to the Halal Investing Program. My journey began from challenging beginnings—starting out in debt at 18, where I began my own financial transformation.

By investing 10% of my income consistently, I laid the foundation for my financial future. At 24, I achieved a significant milestone by purchasing my first property, followed by a second at 26.

With an undergraduate degree in finance, I grew my skills and knowledge, leveraging my academic background to navigate the world of investments. My professional career includes nearly a decade at Canada’s largest bank, where I gained invaluable insights into investment and money management strategies.

As the founder of The Intentional Currency, I’ve had the privilege of empowering hundreds of Muslim women to begin their own investment journeys, growing their financial independence and security through our guidance and support.

In the Halal Investing program you get access to:
The Halal Investing curriculum
12 months of access to lessons designed to help you start investing one step at a time.

From choosing the right account, deciding how much to invest and which products to invest in.
Bi-weekly coaching calls
Access live coaching calls every two weeks for six months where you can get support for your specific investing questions.
Access our private Whatsapp group
Get access to our private Whatsapp group for your first year of investing.

When questions come up, when you need support or when the markets change - you will have guidance every step of the way. 
The Halal Investing Curriculum
Broken down into 5-10 minute videos.
Setting Goals & Choosing Accounts
- Identifying Short-Term and Long-Term Financial Objectives
- Creating a Realistic and Achievable Financial Roadmap
- Understanding Tax Implications and Advantages
- Comparing Accounts for Long-Term Wealth Building
Risk & Portfolios
- Balancing Risk and Reward in Investment Decisions
- Tailoring Investment Strategies to Risk Profile
- Basics of Stock Market: Stocks, Bonds, ETFs, Mutual Funds
- How Compounding Works
- Dividends vs. Capital Gains

Halal Investment Products
- Shariah-Compliant Investment Principles
- Halal Investment Screens: Filtering Non-Compliant Stocks
- Exploring Halal Investment Funds and ETFs
Purification and Zakat
- Understanding how to pay zakat on an investment portfolio
- Learning how to financially purify your stocks every year

What past students have to say:


Before the program, I didn't know anything about investing. After the program, I feel much more confident.

The platform was easy to use and the mix of pre-recorded content and live sessions made it easy to keep up
 Halal Investing Alumnae 


The live sessions were a highlight for me. Not only did they help me understand of the lessons, but they also provided personalized help for my financial plan. The support I received was amazing!"
 Halal Investing Alumnae 


Did the Halal Investment Program help my confidence in investing?


Yasmeen was quick to answer all of the questions in the Whatsapp group – any questions I had were answered right away.
 Halal Investing Alumnae 
Payment Options
One time payment
Bonus 30 minute 1:1 call with Yasmeen
Six monthly instalments
Starting from the month of registration
Still not sure?
“I don’t have enough money to start investing.”
You don’t need to have thousands saved up to start your investment journey. In fact, the earlier you start, the more time your money has to grow through the power of compounding. Our program teaches you how to build an investment strategy that fits your budget and helps you achieve your financial goals, even if you’re starting small.
“I’m too overwhelmed by debt to think about investing right now.”
While managing debt is crucial, waiting until it’s completely paid off can delay your wealth-building goals. Our program provides strategies for balancing debt repayment while still investing for your future. We’ll show you how to create a plan that allows you to manage your debt effectively while simultaneously growing your wealth.
“Isn’t investing risky?”
All investments carry some level of risk, but not investing can be even riskier in the long run. Without growth, your money loses value due to inflation. Our program focuses on educating you about different levels of risk and how to choose investments that align with your risk tolerance and values. We empower you to make informed decisions and minimize unnecessary risk.
“I’m not confident I’ll be able to figure it out.”
Investing might seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. The Halal Investing Program breaks down financial jargon into simple, actionable steps that are easy to follow. Plus, with our live coaching sessions, private group support, and ongoing resources, you’ll have guidance every step of the way. You don’t have to navigate this alone.
“I don’t have the time to learn all of this.”
We get it—life is busy. That’s why our program is designed with flexibility in mind. You’ll have access to pre-recorded lessons that you can watch on your own schedule, bi-weekly live coaching sessions, and a supportive community to help you stay on track. We make it easy for you to learn at your own pace while still making progress.
What past students have to say:



 Yasmeen's Halal Investing program for women exceeded all of my expectations.

Her expertise and dedication were evident throughout the course. She made complex investment concepts easy to understand and maintained a well-paced learning environment.

Yasmeen's availability for questions both during and after the course truly sets her apart.

Her initiative to create a Whatsapp group for alumnae demonstrates her ongoing commitment to supporting her students.

Thanks to Yasmeen I now feel confident and empowered to navigate the world of Halal investing. Highly recommend! 

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Halal Investing Alumnae



 Yasmeen has been such a valuable guide for me.

Her program on Halal investing is like a roadmap I've been searching for. The online sessions and one-on-one calls made navigating investments so much easier.

What I love most is that I can ask any question, and it's always welcomed and answered properly.

Yasmeen's effort in creating a space for Muslim women to learn about investments and gain financial independence is truly appreciated.

It's been an empowering experience, and I'm grateful for the support. 

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Halal Investing Alumnae
Why now?
Money that is not invested loses value year after year. The power of investing is what will allow us as a community to move from earning high incomes to growing wealth.

This is the opportunity to learn exactly how you can grow your wealth in a way that aligns your financial goals with Islamic principles.

Enrol now and start your journey towards financial freedom with confidence and clarity.

Ready to make a lasting impact? Join us today and take charge of your financial future.

The information provided in classes, programs, in my one on one Coaching, and via my Instagram & TikTok is not intended as investment, tax, or legal advice. All information provided is for educational purposes only. I am not a Certified Financial Planner or a Certified Public Accountant. Investing in the stock market has risks and may result in loss of principal and capital gains. Past market performance does not guarantee future results.

Copyright 2024 The Intentional Currency