Before you start!

One of my values is transparency. The program cost is 2,500 USD. This does not include the funds you will be using to invest.

Many women who work through the program end up making this money back quite quickly - however this will depend on how much you have available to invest.

I’m willing to give my complete support in helping you build your financial plan. You must know, investing is not a side hustle. This is a way to grow long-term wealth.

This program has transformed many lives, alhamdulillah, and I am confident it will do the same for you. Together, we are building a powerful network of financially empowered Muslim women.

And I would love for you to join us.


Apply to the

Halal Investing Program
Registration opens November 1st 2024.

By hitting “Submit” I agree to the terms in The Intentional Currency's Privacy Policy.


Yasmeen has been such a valuable guide for me.

What I love most is that I can ask any question, and it's always welcomed and answered properly.

Yasmeen's effort in creating a space for Muslim women to learn about investments and gain financial independence is truly appreciated.

It's been an empowering experience, and I'm grateful for the support.

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The Intentional Currency Client

The information provided in classes, programs, in my one on one Coaching, and via my Instagram & TikTok is not intended as investment, tax, or legal advice. All information provided is for educational purposes only. I am not a Certified Financial Planner or a Certified Public Accountant. Investing in the stock market has risks and may result in loss of principal and capital gains. Past market performance does not guarantee future results.

Copyright 2024 The Intentional Currency