The Wealth Circle
A membership that teaches you everything you need to know as a Muslim women to feel confident making and managing money.
Growing up, the women around me seemed to be constantly living pay check to pay check, often relying on credit cards just to make it through the month.

The stress of unexpected expenses was a constant burden, and the cycle of debt felt never-ending. I grew up believing that wealth was simply out of reach for those without high-paying jobs.

That belief shattered when I started working at the bank. I encountered clients earning multi six-figure incomes who were struggling with credit card debt, and others with modest incomes who had amassed significant investment portfolios.

That’s when it hit me: wealth isn’t about how much you make; it’s about how well you manage what you have.

The women around me hadn’t learned how to manage their money, and as a result, they fell into the traps of overspending, relying on credit, and keeping all their savings in their bank accounts. If they had been taught the basic principles of money management, they could have been free from debt, financially secure, and well on their way to growing their wealth.

The idea that wealth is inaccessible keeps us trapped in the same cycle, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

I’m on a mission to break that belief for Muslim women and to show you how you can manage your money confidently, peacefully, and in a way that aligns with your values.
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 Why a membership: 
How it works: 
The truth is, despite everything we’ve been taught, managing money is actually quite simple. The complexity comes from unnecessary financial jargon and the stress of dealing with interest in a non-Muslim country.

In this membership, my goal for you is clear:

Learn how to manage your monthly spending, set up an emergency fund, and create a solid retirement plan.

I want to help you shift from feeling anxious about reviewing past spending and overwhelmed at the thought of retirement to feeling confident about your financial plan and spending your money guilt-free.

Through this membership, you’ll gain access to a pre-recorded step-by-step guide that will teach you how to organize your finances peacefully, allowing you to save consistently while still spending on the things that bring you joy.

You get access to The Wealth Circle workbook to help you stay organized - and my personal Net Worth + Budgeting template to help you stay on track with your goals.

You’ll also be part of a supportive community with access to monthly Q&A sessions, where you can get help with any specific questions that arise as you work on your financial journey.

You’re welcome to stay as long or as short as you’d like—there’s no minimum commitment required.

Managing your money should feel empowering.

Join us today and start your journey towards financial peace.

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In the membership:
Pre-recorded lessons
Learn how to calculate your net worth, how to structure your finances, how much you should have saved, how to pay off debt, how to set financial goals and so much more. 
Live Q&A Sessions
Join a live monthly Q&A with Yasmeen and get your finance questions answered. 
Exclusive Budgeting Templates
Access our exclusive Intentional Currency Net Worth + Budgeting templates to help you stay on track with your finances
This membership is for you:
If you feel like you lack knowledge around how to set up your finances. You might have a good income coming in, but you can't seem to set up a system that allows you to save consistently.

If you feel like you lack confidence when it comes to money. If you're unsure where to turn when it comes to Halal options for managing your money, you’re not alone.

If you have been to the bank and spoken with an advisor, but aren’t sure which advice is in your best interest and which part is just a sales pitch.

If you are busy with your life and don't have the time to spend hours on YouTube trying to figure out what you're supposed to be doing with your money.

If you have been struggling with debt for a while and can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

If you don't know where to start to set financial goals or establish clear objectives for your money.
Spending money doesn't make you powerful - saving does.
In today's consumer-driven society, the temptation of spending money is stronger than ever.

Muslim women are achieving unprecedented levels of education and earning potential. Now is the moment to transform that income into generational wealth. It’s time to convert our financial success into lasting freedom.

As women, the most liberating truth is that real power lies in saving. By saving, we gain control, security, and the ability to shape our futures on our own terms.
Why is this for Muslim women only?
Muslim women have often missed out on learning how to handle money, and mainstream financial advice doesn't always fit our cultural or religious values.

By empowering more Muslim women to build wealth, we can create positive changes that benefit our communities and the world at large.

The Founder
 Salaam, my name is Yasmeen.

After experiencing financial abuse as a teenager and spending many years paying off a family member's debt, I decided to dedicate my career to teaching Muslim women financial literacy.

I completed an undergraduate degree in finance and spent almost ten years at the bank only to realize the biggest impact I could have was through serving Muslim women directly.

In our first year at The Intentional Currency, we served over a hundred Muslim women. I quickly learned that the most powerful transformations happen when we come together as a community. When we share our knowledge, when we provide a safe, judgment-free space to share our experiences and learn from one another.

And that is exactly what you will find in The Wealth Circle.

Welcome to the first financial literacy membership for Muslim women.

Your questions answered
Does The Wealth Circle include investing guidance?
While The Wealth Circle focuses on foundational financial literacy, budgeting, and goal setting, it does not include specific investing guidance.

However, members can receive a discount on the Halal Investing program, which provides more detailed investment strategies and options.
What is included in the membership?
Pre-recorded lessons covering foundational financial literacy topics, a live monthly Q&A session, monthly guest expert sessions where industry professionals share valuable insights and strategies, practical tools such as budgeting and net worth templates and a supportive community through our forum, where you can share experiences and receive encouragement.
How can I cancel my membership if needed?
You can cancel your membership at any time through your account settings. If you have any issues or need assistance with the cancellation process, please contact our support team for help.
Take the first step towards financial peace.

Join the Wealth Circle Membership today and transform your finances with the support and guidance you deserve.
Start learning for just $47/month.

The information provided in classes, programs, in my one on one Coaching, and via my Instagram & TikTok is not intended as investment, tax, or legal advice. All information provided is for educational purposes only. I am not a Certified Financial Planner or a Certified Public Accountant. Investing in the stock market has risks and may result in loss of principal and capital gains. Past market performance does not guarantee future results.

Copyright 2024 The Intentional Currency